07 May A Photo Essay: Paris, France – Part 1
Paris will always be one of my favorite cities–it was the first stop on what was my first real international adventure. In college, I did a short study abroad J-Term, which was essentially a course you would take for the month of January while traveling to get hands on learning pertaining to your subject. We spent about two weeks in Paris and two weeks in London, and Paris stole the show, sorry London. I will always have a special place in my heart for Paris, and for that reason, I couldn’t wait to return.
Of course, no two trips are the same, but I had a great time visiting new places and some of my old favorites as well. I still have plenty more places I want to visit in and around Paris–there is just so much to see.
There are many, many images that I wanted to share from Paris, so after trying to narrow them down, I decided to split them into a two-part post. Take a look at the first round of photos from our time in beautiful Paris:
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