24 Jun The Street Art and Murals of Winnipeg, Canada
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I love street art! We’ve scoped out street art and murals in cities such as Miami, Belfast, Lake Worth, and many more, so when I read about all the murals of Winnipeg, I knew we had to check them out. There are over 400 murals throughout Winnipeg, so obviously on a short trip, we didn’t have time to find them all; however, we did entertain ourselves with an afternoon of driving around and searching for the art.
The city’s mural program was started in 1994 by Take Pride Winnipeg! with a goal to reduce illegal graffiti, bring color to the city and to show Manitoba’s history and landscapes through art. The murals definitely add excitement to the city! Here’s a glimpse of the murals we found on our short trip to Winnipeg:
Do you enjoy street art as well?