07 Mar A Photo Essay: The Grand Canyon
Just like so many others, the Grand Canyon has been on my list to visit for what feels like an eternity. Well, the cards finally aligned and we made the trip in February. With the stunning colors, small patches of snow, and miles of untouched landscape, we were amazed every direction we turned. The beauty is even more than we could have ever imagined!
I do have to say though, I have slightly mixed feelings about our winter visit–don’t get me wrong, it was absolutely amazing, but due to lack of time, equipment and icy trails, we couldn’t actually hike inside the canyon and were confined to the rim. We did know ahead of time that the hiking may not work in our favor this time, but once we arrived, we wanted nothing more than to go off and explore! That’s definitely our own fault though, and we should have been better prepared. All I know is next time, we are definitely going rafting down the Colorado River and hiking/camping at the bottom of the canyon.
One aspect of visiting the canyon in the winter that we really loved, was the lack of people. We were there in the middle of the week as well, so I’m sure that helped with limiting the crowds, too. Of course, we saw a few people most everywhere we went, but there were so many moments of seclusion and peacefulness in nature. We loved playing with perspective and took many goofy photos and videos, and we really enjoyed staring out into the silent, vast wilderness, especially at night with the full moon and starry sky. We even happened upon 20 or so moose that wanted to play in the road–too bad we didn’t have a camera handy for that moment! The Grand Canyon was incredibly beautiful and serene, and we can’t wait to get back again soon! Until next time, here’s a look at our wintery trip to the Grand Canyon:
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