16 Nov Secret Garden Walk
Promenade Plantée is a great place to go for a stroll in Paris–although it is hardly a secret promenade, if you weren’t looking for it, it would be very possible to walk right by a large percentage of the path and not even notice that it was there, which makes it feel like a great secret spot to relax. The reason the promenade may go unnoticed is because much of it is located up along a viaduct where a rail line used to be located, with numerous shops built underneath. Because of the plentiful plants, the promenade really feels like a mini escape from the city.
Here are a few photos of the Promenade Plantée for this weeks #FriFotos theme Secret. Also, as of last night, Wander The Map is now live on Facebook! Come on over and give us a “like” for even more photos and tidbits not shared here!