21 Aug Photos to Capture the Colour
I feel like I am pretty late to the game, but the Capture the Colour contest, put on by TravelSupermarket, is one that is too good to pass up!
In order to enter the contest, you need to showcase 5 photos featuring one color in each of the following categories: Green, Red, Blue, White and/or Yellow. There are some awesome prizes, a third generation iPad for each color category winner and £2,000 for the grand prize winner–like I said, it”s too good to pass up, so Micah and I chose some of our favorite travel photos to showcase below. Hope you enjoy!
True to the San Fransisco stereotype, it was a foggy, misty day when we went on a side trip to the John Muir Woods. Together with a couple of friends, we took an early bus into the woods, and to my surprise, it wasn”t all that busy. The air was heavy, but it still held the scent of an intoxicating musk from all the towering trees that surrounded us. The contrast in this picture shows the perspective of just how large the trees really are.
When Micah was in the Dominican Republic, photographing a mission trip, the group was invited to partake in a youth baseball practice. Even though there wasn”t much of a field and the bases were made from cardboard scraps, the boys were more than happy to just be playing the sport they love with their friends, both old and new.
At a beach nearby San Pedro de Macoris, fishermen would take their boat out each morning to fish the crystal blue waters of the Dominican Republic. After they made enough of a catch, they would take their boat back to shore and clean the fish along the edge of the boat. They would then try to sell their catch of the day to the tourists flocking the beach. Not having any dinero in their swimsuits, Micah and the rest of the group had to pass on what surely looked like a great meal.
Even though Pike”s Place Market in Seattle is a bit touristy, I feel that it is still a must see when visiting. Pike”s Place is home to restaurants, shops and a market where farmers and merchants can casino online holland sell their goods–I loved browsing, shopping the fresh produce and I even wound up finding a unique vase for my mom”s birthday. My favorite part about the market was watching the fish counter; there was such a great energy the day we were there. The employees were throwing fish back and forth and playing pranks on customers who stopped to get a closer look at the fish selection. I am a sucker for a good prank, so I thoroughly enjoyed watching the reactions of the surprised patrons when a fish (rigged with a string from behind the counter) jumped up from under the ice as they got near.
This abandoned hut is located just off of Playa Forti Beach in Curaçao. Hiding behind the hut is a little open air restaurant as well as a path along the edge of a 40 ft. cliff that leads to a jumping platform. Restaurant goers can have an entertaining meal if they catch a glimpse of jumpers as they plunge into the water below. If you are feeling adventurous, join in with the jumping, like we did! It was a lot higher that it looks from the ground, but still so much fun, and Micah was able to capture our experience on video here.
I am nominating the following bloggers to enter the competition as well. I”m not sure if you have already been nominated, but I would love to see the photos all of you would choose!
2. TravelWhimsy
4. Unbrave Girl